The Yogi Now Blog

Pranayama: The Power of Your Breath

Pranayama: The Power of Your Breath

Take a deep breath in and slowly exhale. Breathing is the most basic function of being alive. From the moment we're born to our last moments, it's something we instinctively...

Pranayama: The Power of Your Breath

Take a deep breath in and slowly exhale. Breathing is the most basic function of being alive. From the moment we're born to our last moments, it's something we instinctively...

dublin yogi now studio end of an era yoga

10 Things You Loose When Travelling

Traveling changed many things in my life and transformed me as a person. The day I walked out of my parents' house to study abroad, I was excited like a...

10 Things You Loose When Travelling

Traveling changed many things in my life and transformed me as a person. The day I walked out of my parents' house to study abroad, I was excited like a...

wrist pain in downward facing dog yoga practice tips for beginners

If Your Wrists Hurt in Downward Dog, You’re Pro...

Are you one of the yogis who secretly cringe when you attempt the downward dog pose? Don't worry; you're not alone! It turns out that a lot of us have...

If Your Wrists Hurt in Downward Dog, You’re Pro...

Are you one of the yogis who secretly cringe when you attempt the downward dog pose? Don't worry; you're not alone! It turns out that a lot of us have...

wrist pain in downward facing dog yoga practice tips for beginners exercises

Effective Exercises to Strengthen Your Wrists a...

Let's get down to business and boost your wrist strength with some targeted exercises and poses. You don't need fancy equipment or superhuman strength for this – just a little...

Effective Exercises to Strengthen Your Wrists a...

Let's get down to business and boost your wrist strength with some targeted exercises and poses. You don't need fancy equipment or superhuman strength for this – just a little...

Setting Intentions, Not Just Resolutions: Crafting a Purposeful 2024

Setting Intentions, Not Just Resolutions: a Pur...

In a world that often pushes us to make grand resolutions at the stroke of midnight, let's pause for a moment and consider a different approach—a mindful, intentional approach to ushering in...

Setting Intentions, Not Just Resolutions: a Pur...

In a world that often pushes us to make grand resolutions at the stroke of midnight, let's pause for a moment and consider a different approach—a mindful, intentional approach to ushering in...

Embracing Gratitude and Contentment: Mindful Practices for a Joyful Holiday Season 2023 2024 yoga for Yogi now studio

Gratitude and Contentment: Santosha for a Joyfu...

As the holiday season approaches, it's a time of joy, celebration, and bringing people closer together. It's also a chance to practice the principles of yoga and wellness by giving back to...

Gratitude and Contentment: Santosha for a Joyfu...

As the holiday season approaches, it's a time of joy, celebration, and bringing people closer together. It's also a chance to practice the principles of yoga and wellness by giving back to...